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Supervisors of Principals’ Academy

For four-plus years, WestEd has been convening statewide learning networks for current principal supervisors in charter and public schools.

The Supervisors of Principals’ Academy (SOPA) creates learning networks among traditional and/or charter administrators who currently coach, evaluate, and otherwise support principals. Individual supervisors or central office teams can join the seven-month SOPA program to amplify their practices by sharing knowledge, engaging with research, using WestEd’s supervisory suite of tools. 

SOPA is a standards-driven professional learning program that builds upon best practices in principal supervision, with the aim of advancing supervisory practices. SOPA provides: 

  • Two hours of one-on-one or small group coaching per month, provided by experienced former principal supervisors and leadership coaches;
  • Networked learning sessions online or in-person, provided by leading practitioners and researchers on coaching, principal evaluation and systems of practice; 
  • Principal observation and survey tools to ensure that supervision is data-driven. 

To find out more about SOPA, as a learning network for your state or system, contact

Arizona Supervisors of Principals' Academy

Working in close partnership with the Arizona Department of Education, SOPA coaches and presenters have been working statewide with 80 principal supervisors from traditional and charter systems in urban, rural and suburban communities. In Arizona, SOPA fits into a statewide professional development system for all aspiring and current school leaders, and SOPA provides important content that is coherent with other professional learning.

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